Friday, November 23, 2007

Vegetable Soup, Miss Lindsey's Glazed Tempeh, Brown Rice

Dinner 11/23 by Juan and Amy

• Vegetable Soup

• Miss Lindsey's Glazed Tempeh

• Brown Rice

Since Juan and I spent yesterday making an UnTurkey for the potluck, we didn't feel like going overboard tonight. We kept it simple. Juan made a vegetable soup. He started out by sautéing onions and garlic in a little oil with some salt. Then he added tomato juice, tomato sauce, carrots, potatoes, whole wheat elbow macaroni, sorghum, and nutritional yeast. It was hearty and sweet. I was sorry I didn't have enough room for two bowls.

Miss Lindsey's recipe for glazed tempeh was so good that Sandhill put it on the inside of their tempeh packages. It's basically fried tempeh glazed with a sauce made of minced garlic, sorghum, soy sauce, tomato juice, ground coriander, and prepared mustard. I added some fried onions, too.

BTW: Due to a technological failure (why have you forsaken me, hard drive?!), I don't have photos from the past few meals. I'll see if I can round up some that folks took of Thanksgiving so you can see the feast!

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