Monday, January 28, 2008

Black Bean Chili, Brown Rice, Green Beans, Tamari Walnuts

Dinner 1/28 by Rachel

• Black Bean Chili

• Brown Rice

• Green Beans

• Tamari Walnuts

Tonight, Rachel made a black bean chili from Great Vegetarian Cooking Under Pressure by Lorna J. Sass. It had cinnamon, cumin and fennel in it which Tony said made it "a nice melange of flavors with a different burst of flavor in every bite". Chili seems to have two usual serving companions: rice or cornbread, and tonight Rachel went with long grain brown rice.

The green beans were canned over the summer from our organic garden. She cooked them dry in a pan which helped dry them out a little (since they come out of the can a bit soggy). The toasted tamari walnuts were a very nice addition and a bit of a treat. We have lots of black walnuts on our land, but they tend to be harder to work with, so these were from a package bought in a store. One of these years, we should probably learn how to process them. Until then, I'll watch the itty bitty hazelnut trees in our yard grow and dream.

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