Sunday, August 26, 2007

Breaded Baked Tofu, Veggie Steam-Fry, Brown Rice, and Brownies

Dinner 8/26 by Juan

• Breaded Baked Tofu

• Veggie Steam-Fry

• Brown Rice

• Brownies

When I came back from the Communities Conference, I brought a cooler full of goodies from Twin Oaks Community. They were quite generous to gift us with a cooler of the tofu and soysage that they make and Bobolinkers are enjoying every bit of it. Thanks Twin Oaks!

Tonight's dinner, Juan breaded some of their tofu thinly sliced and baked it in the oven. We try not to run the oven on hot summer days because it heats up our house, but I had some cocoa powder left over from my birthday last month, so I made some brownies. Since the oven was on already, baking the tofu made sense.

The veggie steam-fry is Juan's signature cooking technique. First, sautée to get the onions and garlic nice and sweet. Then toss in some other veggies — tonight was yellow squash, okra and sweet red peppers that look like hot peppers (we're not sure why!). Next, add some soy sauce, vinegar and spices (Juan won't share his secret recipe), put a lid on and let the flavors all steam together. Finally, take the lid off and allow the liquid to boil off. The end result is tender, flavorful veggie dish.

The brownies were an adaptation of this recipe from Vivacious Vegan's blog. We used sorghum from Sandhill instead of the sugar and omitted the chocolate chips and walnuts. It was quite a treat!

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